Simplifying Care Exchange

Exchanging digital data is a fact for organizations delivering, managing, coordinating, and reporting on a person’s care. The challenge and complexity of successfully accomplishing this should not underestimated.


Onboarding New Partners

When on-boarding a new partner, MDIX tooling creates fit-for-purpose Transformation Services. Creating a new Transformation Service can be measured in minutes.

Seamless Process Improvement and Maintenance

The cost of maintaining and enhancing interoperability solutions over time becomes a much larger cost than the initial on-boarding costs. This cost is described as technical debt. The more exchange partners there are, as new versions of exchange formats and terms are introduced, as regulations change, as business exchange needs change, as the multiple systems involved are upgraded, managing change and process improvement becomes expensive. It can become a barrier. MDIX tooling eliminates technical debt by isolating specific changes and then generating the updated Transformation Service.

MDIX Tooling

At the core of MDIX’s approach are executable, re-usable Knowledge Components that are then configured to deliver the fit-for-purpose Transformation Microservices.

MDIX Build Factory — Creating Transformation Microservices

The MDIX Build Factory creates a fit-for-purpose Transformation Microservice that can be installed in any cloud or proprietary environment. The microservice is constructed from existing, re-usable Knowledge Components. The user specifies the Knowledge Components needed and the MDIX Build Factory generates the appropriate microservice in minutes.

MDIX Knowledge Components Repository

MDIX provides the re-usable, executable Knowledge Components. The types of Knowledge Components provided are:

Industry Standard Exchange Formats

Knowledge Components are available for HL7 products from transforming FHIR, CDA, and V2 as well as X12 Healthcare Insurance Messages. Other standard exchange formats and versions of formats will be added.

Terminology Exchange Components

Terminology Exchange Components are provided for terms defined by the organizations who publish the exchange formats. At the present time there are over 100 Terminology Exchange components provided.

Runtime Knowledge Component

The Runtime is the heart of the Transformation Microservice. Since Knowledge Components are developed independently, the Runtime Engine knows how to use any and all selected Knowledge Components and transform the source message into the desired result. Transformation Services can be scaled to process billions of transactions annually if necessary.

MDIX Map Editor — Creating New Knowledge Components

If there is not an existing Knowledge Component for an exchange format, the MDIX Map Editor is used to create it. Creating this type of Knowledge Component is quite common, especially when exchanging data with non-clinical delivery systems used to deliver important services such as housing, food insecurity, behavioral health, insurance, and transportation. The MDIX Map Editor is a no-code environment that provides automation and built in “wizards.” When the new Knowledge Component is saved, it can be used in the Map Build Factory in creating Transformation Services.

MDIX Services

Subscription and Service Level Agreements

MDIX provides subscription services for the MDIX Build Factory and the MDIX Map Editor. Additionally, MDIX provides service level agreements for Transformation Microservices.

Business Consulting

MDIX can provide services to augment and complement our partners’ needs. These services range from detailed content knowledge of healthcare exchange standards to integration services for any MDIX Transformation Service.

Markets We Serve

MDIX serves organizations who require healthcare and care interoperability such as

  • Community Care Organizations: CIE, CCH, QHINs, HIE, ACOs, MCOs, and others
  • Care Delivery Organizations: Hospitals systems, Clinics. EMS providers, School Health Services, and others.
  • Software application vendors providing care management, care coordination, aggregation, and reporting services.
  • Software platform vendors targeting health and social care markets who need digital information exchange.

Who We Have Worked With

  • Administration of Families and Children (ACF)
  • Apex Evaluation
  • Bracari
  • Book Zurman
  • Cognitive
  • Deloitte
  • Department of Defense (DoD)
  • Office of National Coordinator (ONC)
  • National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
  • Peraton
  • Perspecta
  • Partners Healthcare
  • Smile Digital Health
  • Substance and Mental Health Services Agency (SAMHSA)
  • Veterans Administration
  • and others


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